Run your own Club

A network of peer-to-peer digital making clubs for all ages.

Running a Rebel Makers Club – and building a local, inclusive community around technology – is extremely rewarding, and will lead you to meet lots of brilliant people of all ages, from all backgrounds.

If you think you’d like to start a Rebel Makers community, and share your passion for digital with others, we’ve put together a simple guide to help you understand the requirements and rewards of being a Club Leader.

Our process is designed to be super easy, with regular progress calls so we can support you in any way we can!

Call 1 - Introduction
  • Explain our aims and ethos
  • Set out responsibilities and commitments
  • Agree a provisional date
  • Explain how the DBS check process works
  • Run through ideal venue
  • Promoting your club
Call 2 - Logistics
  • Lock venue and date
  • Talk through Rebel Labs – Leader agreement
  • Safeguarding and incident response
  • Risk assessments
  • How to gain sponsorship
  • Promotional material
  • Optional Club addons – workshops, hardware, group projects
  • Ticketing process
Call 3 - Preparation
  • Checking plans
  • Troubleshooting
  • Communication plan
  • Icebreaker for attendees
  • What to expect
Call 4 - Feedback
  • What went well?
  • What can be improved?
  • Resources required
  • Ongoing plans
  • Agree next date

Let's have a chat and get started!